


Carcinogens are cancer-causing substances. You can find carcinogens in cigarettes, and tobacco. Cigarette’s smoke contains tar,a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns, it also contains carbon monoxide. Another compound found in a cigarette smoke. Its colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas that is taken up more readily by blood than oxygen. Carcinogens can harm many parts of the body. It can cause leukoplakia or the thickened white leathery spots on the inside of your mouth. Just using short terms of tobacco or cigarettes
it can cause changes in brain chemistry,increased respiration and heart rate,dulled taste buds and reduced appetite,bad breath,smelly hair,cloths ,and skin. Long term use of cigarettes and tobacco can cause Chronic bronchitis,Emphysema,Lung cancer, and Coronary heart disease.


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